Nostalgic Material

series Battle Flag Communist League photo album 1976

Emperor’s 50th year ceremony, Lockheed crimes

1976.11.10 天皇在位50年式典粉砕闘争 清水谷公園1976.11.10 天皇在位50年式典粉砕闘争 清水谷公園
1976.11.10 Emperor’s 50th year ceremony crushing struggle
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*This information is posted as a record of historical news. feel free to reprint it.
*The descriptions in the photos are based on the original documents. The [Memo] is an opinion based on personal experience. Accuracy is not guaranteed. For more information, click here.

■ 戦旗派写真集の目次 < 懐古的資料室トップ

Major events in 1976
Vietnam Unification / Zhou Enlai and Mao Zedong passed away / Lockheed corruption uncovered → Former Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka and others were arrested → LDP ousted Prime Minister Miki, who had exposed Tanaka and others, after a struggle / Emperor Showa’s 50-year reign / Incumbent Ford loses U.S. presidential election / Hokkaido Government Office bombing

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5.23 Sayama Case appeal hearing struggle

at Hibiya Open-Air Concert Hall, Tokyo

Denounced the Sayama discrimination trial.
Return the innocent Buraku youth, Mr. Ishikawa!

6.20 Lockheed Crime Impeachment Struggle

at Shimizudani Park, Tokyo

Lockheed Crime News Video

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10.31 Sayama Case appeal hearing struggle

at Meiji Park, Tokyo

11.10 Emperor 50th Ceremony Crushing Struggle

at Shimizudani Park, Tokyo

The ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of the Emperor's (Showa) reign was held amidst divided public opinion. …and radical students demonstrated under the slogan smash the celebration…
The longest of all time ceremony for the 50th year of His Majesty's reign in... - テレビ60年 特選コレクション | NHKアーカイブス