Photo News Edition: Peace and Freedom for Palestine – Ikebukuro Demo on April 21
Due to a busy schedule, I can’t get enough sleep, so creating articles and videos will take some time. It’s not exactly “breaking news,” but I’ll at least upload some photos for now. Details will follow later. For now, I hope this gives you a sense of the atmosphere. (Click on the images to enlarge them.)
“Peace for Palestine! Freedom! Stop Genocide!”
“Stop the Attack on Rafah! Peace for Palestine!”
“Israel, Withdraw from Gaza!”
“Lift the Blockade!”
“Peace for Gaza and the West Bank! Don’t Kill Children! Stop Starvation!”
“Please Turn Your Attention to Palestine.”
“Israel, Stop Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation in Gaza.”
“Peace for Palestine and Gaza. Israel, Stop the Massacres.”