by ジグザグ会/kakeru miki
日時: 9月29日(日) 15:30集合 16:00開始
集合場所:東京都千代田区 千鳥ヶ淵交差点公園
動画作成:kakeru miki
1997年香港主權由英國移交中華人民共和國,當時所簽定的中英聯合聲明中,中國政府承諾香港享有高度自治・言論自由・集會自由以及資本主義制度五十年不變等等的權利。 但22年後的今日,香港政府一而再再而三的漠視港人意願和利益,任由香港的高度自治和自由被進一步侵蝕。
When Britain handed over Hong Kong to the People’s Republic of China in 1997, the Chinese government pledged to guarantee Hong Kong a high degree of autonomy, in particular the freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and capitalist system for 50 years after the Handover, as stated in the Sino-British Joint Declaration.
For the past 22 years, the Hong Kong government has put aside the voice of Hongkongers over and over again. The high degree of autonomy and freedoms have been eroding.
It has been more than 100 days since the beginning of Anti-Extradition Movement. Although the Chief Executive, Carrie Lam, announced that she will “move a motion” to formally withdraw the Bill, unprecedented police brutality and abuse of power have remained unaddressed. The Hong Kong Police Force has been using all kinds of less-lethal weapons inappropriately for the past 3 months, putting civilian lives at risk. The police have shown their impudence towards the public, colluding with the triads and acting unlawfully in front of the media’s live streaming. They are also accused of adopting different standards in their treatment of protesters, specifically young people, and the “police-supporters” who act brutally. Full withdrawal of the Bill is no longer an option to soothe public anger due to countless unlawful police misconducts for the past few months.
“Five Demands, Not One Less” – We stand firm with the demands of Hong Kong protesters. We, the Hongkongers based in Tokyo, will never compromise and continue standing with Hong Kong until the Hong Kong government sincerely and humbly responds to all five demands.