
HataHata Feed

  • The 3 newest articles from each site and the 10 newest articles from each media company are displayed.
  • Articles from other sites are not translated.
    –If necessary, try Google Translate from the Japanese page.
  • Click on the “Older posts” link at the bottom left of each listing to view it retroactively.
  • To reduce server load, new updates will be made approximately every 12 hours.

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Okinawa Related News

Various Blogs New Arrivals

Ryukyu Shimpo (political article)

Okinawa Times (general)

Narita Struggle New Arrival

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New Leftist + Anti-Oppression + Radical Citizen…etc

Since many of the New Left sites are not RSS-compatible, please also see the Links section.

Core faction (separate section due to large numbers)

There are so many and the major sites are frequently updated. If I put them in other categories, the screen would be full of Core faction, so I’ll put them here.

YouTube New Videos


Citizen’s Movement, Constitutional Protection, Moderate Conservative, Constitutional Opposition, etc.

Personal Sites

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Media Articles

Asahi newspaper (political article)

Asahi newspaper (international article)

Yomiuri newspaper (Politics)


People’s News

News Akahata (red flag)

Sankei newspaper

Weekly Friday News


Foreign articles that do not appear in the media

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