We are an open and flexible network of individuals who came together primarily online, initially motivated by nuclear energy issues. Despite our occasional stumbles, we aim to remain sharp and thus named ourselves “Zigzag Kai.” Our main activities occur online, and we hold voluntary events approximately once a month for action, interaction, and learning.
Principles of Zigzag Kai
- Instead of criticizing others’ movements, we take actions we believe in or want to do.
- The one who proposes an idea takes the lead in executing it.
- Members who support a proposed action share the financial and logistical responsibilities as needed.
- Joining and leaving at any time is entirely free and flexible.
- Currently, we do not have a comprehensive member list, membership fees, or in-person general meetings.
- There was a mailing list for those interested in participating, but it is under reconstruction due to service discontinuation.
- Other details are under discussion ⇒ Read the “Call for Zigzag Kai Formation”