Emperor’s 50th year ceremony, Lockheed crimes

*This information is posted as a record of historical news. feel free to reprint it.
*The descriptions in the photos are based on the original documents. The [Memo] is an opinion based on personal experience. Accuracy is not guaranteed. For more information, click here.
Major events in 1976
Vietnam Unification / Zhou Enlai and Mao Zedong passed away / Lockheed corruption uncovered → Former Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka and others were arrested → LDP ousted Prime Minister Miki, who had exposed Tanaka and others, after a struggle / Emperor Showa’s 50-year reign / Incumbent Ford loses U.S. presidential election / Hokkaido Government Office bombing
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5.23 Sayama Case appeal hearing struggle
at Hibiya Open-Air Concert Hall, Tokyo

6.20 Lockheed Crime Impeachment Struggle
at Shimizudani Park, Tokyo

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10.31 Sayama Case appeal hearing struggle
at Meiji Park, Tokyo

11.10 Emperor 50th Ceremony Crushing Struggle
at Shimizudani Park, Tokyo

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