







第11条 国民は、すべての基本的人権の享有を妨げられない。この憲法が国民に保障する基本的人権は、侵すことのできない永久の権利として、現在及び将来の国民に与へられる。

第13条 すべて国民は、個人として尊重される。生命、自由及び幸福追求に対する国民の権利については、公共の福祉に反しない限り、立法その他の国政の上で、最大の尊重を必要とする。

第14条 すべて国民は、法の下に平等であつて、人種、信条、性別、社会的身分又は門地により、政治的、経済的又は社会的関係において、差別されない。

第15条 2 すべて公務員は、全体の奉仕者であつて、一部の奉仕者ではない。

第19条 思想及び良心の自由は、これを侵してはならない。

第21条 集会、結社及び言論、出版その他一切の表現の自由は、これを保障する。


自由権規約9条1 すべての者は、身体の自由及び安全についての権利を有する。何人も、恣意的に逮捕され又は抑留されない。何人も、法律で定める理由及び手続によらない限り、その自由を奪われない。

◇抗議声明(1) 転送歓迎








〒540-8540 大阪市中央区大手前三丁目1番11号

◇(1)の英訳文 転送歓迎

No tolerance for repression by the Osaka police!
Release NK!

Once again the Osaka police department is engaged in repression.

At 1 o’clock on August 24th, the workplace and house of NK, a member of the Kamgasaki patrol was searched, and NK was arrested. The reason for arrest given is the particularly obscure ‘violation of road freight and vehicle law’ which basically asserts that NK drove a diesel car that can’t be driven in Osaka city within the past year. However NK has not driven this car in over half a year.
Surprisingly, this arrest is the first case of its kind in Japanese history. Why did Osaka city have to go this far to arrest NK?

The reason is that NK had fought at the forefront of resistance to attacks on day laborers/squatting workers, such as the eviction of Nagai park and the erasure of address registrations for squatters in Kamagasaki this year and thus Osaka city arrested NK on this kind of ‘minor offense’ the day before the openning of the World Championship in Athletics (WCA).

This is nothing other than a concerted effort to quash voices of protest against teh WCA opening ceremony. We cannot allow Osaka city to engage in this kind of police repression.

As you may know, this February 5th, Osaka city evicted tents and other structures at Nagai park, where NK had been living with other squatters. This action was unilaterally carried out by Osaka city after ignoring a petition of over 5000 people opposed to the evicted, cooking up ‘local voices for eviction’ to speak against the tent village, spending a huge amount of tax money and not replying to a single request or inquiry written by the squatters themselves. The reason this kind of violence has been used is clear: to protect the attendance of the emperor at the WCA.

The eviction of squatters, the emperor system and international sporting events are not unconnected.

Every time an international event has been held such as the Olympics is approaching, in which the national prestige is in question, squatters and homeless people have been treated as eyesores and evicted like “trash” in order to secure the attendance by the emperor and his family at the ceremony. A storm of eviction has blown through the eviction at Utsubo park last year (for the World Rose Convention), the 2005 eviction of Nagoya’s Shirokawa park (for the Aichi World Expo), the National Games in Nagai Park in 1997 and the 2002 Soccer World Cup.

Osaka city has also erased the address registrations of 2088 day laborers, squatters and homeless workers which were safely registered in Kamagasaki, and the city is also attempting to shut down work options for elderly unemployed workers who often are day laborers or squatters. On the other hand, the city has invested 40 billion yen (4 million dollars) in the WCA!

Osaka city uses the attendance of the emperor at the WCA to evict squatters and homeless people in the name of “beautifying” and “redesigning” the parks, attacking the conditions of life for these comrades. Then, those who call ou these moves are subject to arrest for ‘minor offenses’ and voices of protest against the opening ceremonies are attacked. What extraordinary means to use in the interests of repression!

The evictions of two parks this year, the arrest of five comrades in the occupation movement (arrested for fighting evictions, released on probation this August 9th after 8 months in prison) last September 27th, the erasure of address registrations, the attack on elderly work programs shows that the city tries to attack the living conditions of the poor together with the justice system and the administration. We cannot permit this war on the poor, the WCA being opened under such anti-free speech policies and we cannot allow this repression against our comrade NK to pass. Please raise your voices along with ours in order to put a stop to this.

We denounce this World Championship of Athletics that evicts squatters!
Osaka police, release NK immediately!
No more repression! Victory to the struggle!

Kamagasaki Patrol
kamapat@infoseek.jp 090-8380-0269

Send protests to:

Osaka Police Department
Osaka Chuo-ku Outemae 3-1-11
TEL (+81)06-6943-1234
FAX (+81)06-6941-1022

◇抗議声明(2) 転送歓迎











日本人民委員会 行動隊 直接行動隊 同志一同

◇(2)の英訳文 転送歓迎

Protest the arrest of N by the Osaka police!!
Arrest the notorious tax money and address registration thief Mayor Seki instead!!

Yesterday, the Osaka police department forcibly arrested our friend, member of the Kamagasaki Patrol and comrade of Nagai park, N, at his workplace. One hour before his arrest, the police announced their intent to search N’s workplace in an arrogant show of force. The reason for arrest? That N had been driving in a diesel truck, which, even if true, hardly constitutes any basis for arresting him. Clearly this is a trumped up arrest in order to remove NK from the protest against the 2007 World Championship of Athletics in Osaka and suppress these opposing voices.

At this year’s World Championship of Athletics (WCA), the Seki administration, which continues to ignore the voice of Osaka residents, has held events and decorated the city, creating work for the construction industry, building banks etc. all while running the city budget into the red, losses which Osaka city hopes to pass on to its residents, with its traditional corrupt methods. According to statistics, the WCA has already lost 7 million dollars for the city. In other words, 7 million dollars of heavy taxes will be squeezed out of city residents. Despite this, famous athletes were unable to attend, tickets are not selling and although the city has made a substantial mobilization to sell tickets, it has been forced to hand out tickets at local schools in order to fill the stadium.

This is the same Osaka city which spent over two million dollars of taxes to evict squatters occupying Nagai Park this February 5th in order to open the WCA, leaving these squatters on the cold city streets. In the same way, tent evictions are being carried out around Nagai park under a campaign of harassment.

The residents of Osaka city must oppose the city and the Seki Junichi administration. If these scandals pass without any questions asked, then Japan is already a police state. Osaka is a fascist city. Those who don’t think so should know that the conviction rate of defendants in court cases is 99.9% here. They should know that there is no room to fight arrests within the court system. This is already far beyond the limits of the constitution.

NK has not only opposed the eviction of squatters but also fought the removal of address registration for homeless people and squatters in Osaka city. He has stood on the side of and fought for the interests of the oppressed and those who live at society’s lowest layer. Why is such an admirable young person a target for arrest?!!

The Osaka police should instead immediately arrest Mayor Seki who has continued to rob Osaka residents by heavy taxation, unconstitutionally stole the address/work/welfare and voting registration rights of Kamagasaki residents, leaving them with no rights whatsoever!!

Denounce this scandalous arrest!! Osaka police, release NK immediately!!

August 25th, 2007


comrades of the Japanese People’s Committee Direct Action group

Send protests to:

Osaka Police Department
Osaka Chuo-ku Outemae 3-1-11
TEL (+81)06-6943-1234
FAX (+81)06-6941-1022

コメントを見る (2)

  • タイトル:「転び公妨」の一種ですね










    青 木 理『日本の公安警察』講談社現代新書

  • 鳥居さま>


