We are sorry. The translation is not in progress. We do not expect the translation to be accurate for political papers, but please be patient!
- 1 Uncategorized / Organize
- 2 Novel Sanrizuka (Narita Struggle)
- 3 Introduction to Leftist Thought
- 4 100 Questions for Radicals (in series)
- 5 Theory of Subjectivity and Philosophy
- 6 Theory of War and Politics
- 7 Internal documents of the Battle Flag Faction
- 8 Battle Flag Faction Photo Album (serialized)
- 9 Activist manuals (in series)
- 10 2ch BUND Threads Vault (Serialized)
- 11 Novels and Essays
- 12 Mountain Workers' Association
Uncategorized / Organize
■ 三里塚空港反対同盟 石井武さんを悼む
■ 成田空港管制塔占拠事件(Wikipediaより)
■ 歴史の瞬間に立って-60年安保闘争の記録
■ 60年安保闘争年表
■ 日本赤軍とは何か-これだけは知ってほしいこと
■ 機動隊のガス銃使用に関する国会質疑議事録
Novel Sanrizuka (Narita Struggle)

Introduction to Leftist Thought

Why do leftists say such-and-such and act such-and-such?
For your practice on the left and for your criticism on the right.
- やなせたかし『アンパンマン』論ー『共産主義』ってどんなもの?
- ウルトラマンと『革命無罪』-左翼が「何でも反対」の理由
- 菊池桃子と『左翼魂』-どんな人間のことを『左翼』と呼ぶのか?
- マルクス『賃労働と資本』ノート
- レーニン『帝国主義論』ノート
カテゴリ:左翼的発想の研究 アーカイブ
100 Questions for Radicals (in series)

A compact FAQ (in serial form) that summarizes questions commonly asked by the general public in debates against so-called “extremists” and the answers to those questions in the form of “100 questions and 100 answers.
Theory of Subjectivity and Philosophy

The current situation in the Soviet Union and China, the dominance of internal vengeance and sectarianism, and the rise of civicism and ecological lines as a reaction against them. In the midst of this, this essay continues to consider the leftist movement and the actors who carry it out.
Theory of War and Politics

Internal documents of the Battle Flag Faction

Documents from within the organization of the War Flag Communist League, which would never have been made public if the world had been a different era.
A must-see, especially for activists from other parties and civic groups that were active at the same time.
Battle Flag Faction Photo Album (serialized)

Activist manuals (in series)

Now you are an activist! A group of activist manuals that were raised in the former War Flag Communist League. For the general public to help protect themselves from suppression of speech.
General Theory
Daily Activities
Organizational activities
Reference Materials
2ch BUND Threads Vault (Serialized)

The BUND (BattleFlag fraction) thread, once a famous thread on the 2-channel Communist board, is kept as a resource.
Novels and Essays

Mountain Workers’ Association

For the BattleFlag fraction activists, there is another unforgettable memory apart from their activities. It was climbing mountains all year round!
- 武尊山 組織山行の背景事情(草加耕助)
- 概要・全体総括
- 参加者個人手記(1)「椅子にあわせて足を切る」
- 参加者個人手記(2)「私は山が嫌いだ」
- 参加者個人手記(3)「女性隊のリーダーに選ばれて」
- 参加者個人手記(4)「それは雪山の入門書の購入から始まった」
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